My best regards to the team

Posted by: taekwondo

My best regards to the team - 03/27/20 04:04 PM

I would like to thank you for the great work you are doing here. Also a big compliment to the Japahar SIM card developers.

I've been in this scene for over 30 years, some know my nick, some don't.

Even if there are problems, solutions are immediately ready.

My greatest respect to everyone.

Remain as you are and keep our old dream boxes alive
Posted by: Toysoft

Re: My best regards to the team - 03/27/20 04:14 PM

Thank you for your support, and definitely a pleasure to have you with us !

Yes, trying to get things working at the best for our old boxes that web unsupported by teams and manufacturer... so we took over it and still enjoy them today !

Enjoy and have a nice weekend, Thanks for Team Support,

Posted by: Admin

Re: My best regards to the team - 03/27/20 04:15 PM

Thank you to you, a pleasure to have you here since now few years.

We will try to give the best possible to have our boxes still working for as long as possible !

Thanks for your support,
