Ho installato per sbaglio un'immagine Nabilo #76 del 2010/07/01 e adesso non riesco piu a installare un'altra immagine perche mi compare questa videata:

This is the DM8000 bootloader Web Interface.

If you see this, your box didn't boot to Linux.
Unless you interrupted the boot process, this usually means that you have no valid operating system in flash.
Don't panic! It's not a problem. You can just flash a new version and everything will be fine!
Otherwise, you can boot from network or USB.
If you're about to give up, you might get help at the Dream Multimedia Support board!
Currently there aren't many other features...

You can download your current flash contents (256 MB) here, but please don't expect to be able to flash it back. It's merely a debugging feature.
This device's Serial Number is XXXXX, and was built on 2010/07/01.

Booloader version: Dreambox Second Stage Loader BUILD #76, built 20091014

device info firmware upgrade

Pensando che la sim Japhar in serita fosse guasta , ho acquistato un altra sim ma non ho risolto nente.
Non so che cosa fare per recuperare il dreambox.
Grazie per l'aiuto.