Ralink 3070 WiFi fix OPENPLi 4 DM800

Posted by: diceman01

Ralink 3070 WiFi fix OPENPLi 4 DM800 - 11/07/15 07:08 PM

This tutorial is to show you how to get a Ralink 3070 chipset wifi dongle working on OPENPLi 4. Usually on a Dreambox DM800 the above mentioned chipset is best supported but in this image we have a extra driver which overrides the driver we need. First step FTP to your your box and navigate to the following directory:


Now once you are in the wireless directory you will see various .ko files (drivers) but we want to delete the mt7601.ko driver, this is over riding the older driver to allow the chipset to be recognised.

Once deleted do a full reboot not just a E2 reboot and now when you go to network settings your wifi dongle will show up.
Posted by: Emosim

Re: Ralink 3070 WiFi fix OPENPLi 4 DM800 - 08/28/20 07:11 AM

opkg update
opkg install kernel-module-r8712u
opkg install firmware-rtl8712u
opkg install kernel-module-rt2800usb
opkg install firmware-t2870
opkg install kernel-module-arc4
opkg install kernel-module-aes-generic