How to patch an image...

Posted by: Admin

How to patch an image... - 06/29/11 03:56 PM

Today need flash old image with SSL80 (you can install to multiboot) named as need to patch and take /usr/bin/enigma2 binary file. Flash to box new image and without reboot flash Ferrari-SSL (depend box name). Boot and replace drivers (you need December drivers or patched). Open /etc/udev/rules.d/41-od-linux-2.6.18-misc.rules and make like this:

KERNEL=="fp0",			NAME="dbox/fp0"
KERNEL=="oled0",		NAME="dbox/oled0"
KERNEL=="lcd0",			NAME="dbox/lcd0"
KERNEL=="pvr",			NAME="misc/pvr"
KERNEL=="hsm0",			NAME="misc/hsm0"
KERNEL=="vtuner0",		NAME="misc/vtuner0"

Also replace /usr/bin/enigma2 with saved file (remember rights 755) and reboot. If you use web interface or vlc-player, than take old december plugin from unpack (7zip can unpack under windows) and replace plugins. My tube plugin need find patched.

Attached DM500HD drivers... (to copy into folder : /lib/modules/2.6.18-7.4-dm500hd/extra), then SSL80F NFI.

To generate the image then use the backup tool to create the patched NFI.

Mediaplayer problem FIX :

You can fix. Load image, like need to patch, older then new year with last kernel. Copy to PC /usr/bin/enigma2 , flash new image, copy file back and write to /etc/udev/rules.d/41-od-linux-2.6.18-misc.rules :
KERNEL=="pvr",			NAME="misc/pvr"

mediaplayer must work.