IP Cameras - Flash BIN firmware file, Telnet/Mount

- Activate Telnet if your Camera is not bricked (and in Telnet by default)...

Telnet port 9527 of camera

username : admin
password :

echo $SHELL
echo $USER
echo $$
telnetd -f

then telnet your IP (Port 23)

login: root
password: xmhdipc

- Mount an external Network drive

On Ubuntu machine
sudo bash
mkdir /share
cp [your_firmware_file].bin /share
chmod a+r /share /share/*
echo -e "\n/share *(rw,insecure,all_squash)" >>/etc/exports
exportfs -av

Mount network drive on your IP Camera

mkdir /tmp/mnt
mount -o nolock [ip-address-of-ubuntu-server]:/share /tmp/mnt
You do not need to type square brackets [ and ], of course.

- Flash with Sofia

At this point you should have NFS share with firmware file mounted.

Then, try flashing process. In telnet session to camera, type:
/usr/bin/Sofia --upgrade /tmp/mnt/[your_firmware_file].bin
