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#8479 - 05/18/16 04:39 PM DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2
Admin Online   content
Japhar Member
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/19/10
Posts: 9907
DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV lib-upgrade - ffmpeg2+exteplayer3

Reminder : You can install ffmpeg2/exteplayer3 from the feeds, and do as explained in Dreambox_from_ext_storage.txt to extend your Flash with external stick. Probable a 128 Mb or even less is enough.

As stated by MastaG, on the DM800HD boxes, the GStreamer is taking too much ressources for some HD streams, and he found a solution upgrading the software to a better result.

I am posting here his instructions, and I hope this can help you guys, with DM800HD to get the best of your hardware, but for it, you MUST install an external USB Memory stick as the 64 Mb are not enough. Probably an old useless stick like 128 Mb (Thanks to Marco : Seems minimum 256 Mb is required), or more, up to 4 Gb can be enough. I let you test and give us your feedback about this matter. But as you can see, the DM800HD has endless possibilities !




About :

For those who don't know @samsamsam created excellent IPTVPlayer plugin, he also managed to create players for this plugin which run in separate process, so it's possible to have entire control over playback. One of these players also uses ffmpeg which was not used for playback in mipsel receivers yet.

Comparison of exteplayer3 (ffmpeg) to gstplayer (gstreamer1.0):

- uses much less memory
- needs much less cpu power -> immediate seeking, AV sync after seeking
- doesn't have problem with TS streams
- doesn't have problem with secure HLS streams

- framedrops in playback of packed mpeg4-part2
- HLS streams with variant playlists are pixelated

I really like the idea of separating player from enigma2 and running it as external process. We don't have to move quite big enigma2 binary to receiver in order to test. We can test player from command line without enigma2 running and AFAIK this should also mean that there are no memory leaks created by player process after it exits.

So I've created service 'serviceapp' for enigma2 which allows us to use these players.


- adds service 5001: uses gstplayer
* possibility to change sink, buffer size, buffer duration
* possibility to enable/disable embedded subtitles support
- adds service 5002: uses exteplayer3
* TODO add exteplayer3 settings
- adds possibility to replace default servicemp3 service(4097)
- adds support for custom plugins settings

Thought there are still some thing things missing when compared to servicemp3:
- external subtitles support
- tags support
- cuesheet support
- epg support
- fast forward/backward

ServiceApp enigma2 plugin:

- possibity to replace enigma2 playback system, so you can use these players not only from bouquet but for example from MoviePlayer, MediaPlayer(restart enigma2 necessary)
* switch players gstplayer/exteplayer3 at enigma2 runtime
* change gstplayer settings at enigma2 runtime
- change gstplayer(5001) settings at enigma2 runtime
* sink, buffer size, buffer duration, enable/disable subtitles

1. unpack recipes in serviceapp.tar.gz in $openpli-oe-core/meta-local/recipes-local

tar xzf serviceapp_recipes.tgz -C $openpli-oe-core_dir/meta-local/recipes-local

2. build serviceapp service + plugin

MACHINE=machinename bitbake enigma2-plugin-extensions-serviceapp

3. build @samsamsam's gstplayer + patches of mine

MACHINE=machinename bitbake gstplayer

4. (optional) You can build also experimental sink, which you can then select in ServiceApp menu, it's basically openpli dvbmediasink + mpeg4part2 unpacking + oldgen xtrend improvements mentioned in Gstreamer-1.0 topic.

MACHINE=machinename bitbake gstreamer1.0-plugin-dvbmediasink-experimental

Note, I've added this experimental sink with no intention of replacing original one. It's there so you know how can we have more sinks and make comparisons on the fly. For example this can be useful to have one sink stable and introduce new changes in experimental one, so users can freely switch between them if they want to try experimental one and report back if there are any problems, and if there are they can switch back to stable, etc..

5. ipk's are located in
$openpli_oe_core_dir/build/tmp/deploy/mips32el and $openpli_oe_core_dir/build/tmp/deploy/machinename

6. For exteplayer3 there is no recipe yet, since source is not public. @samsamsam mentioned that once he cleans it up, he will make it public. For now you have to build or download pre-built ffmpeg and exteplayer3 binary.

Using pre-built ffmpeg by @samsamsam:

1. download pre-built ffmpeg archive

wget http://iptvplayer.pl/resources/ffmpeg2.8.5_mipsel_fpu.tar.gz

2. unpack in root directory

tar xzf ffmpeg2.8.5_mipsel_fpu.tar.gz -C /

Install exteplayer3 binary:

1. download binary to /usr/bin/exteplayer3

wget http://iptvplayer.pl/resources/bin/mipsel/exteplayer3_ffmpeg2.8 -O /usr/bin/exteplayer3

2. give extplayer3 execution permissions:

chmod +x /usr/bin/exteplayer3

Note there are also other versions for ffmpeg and exteplayer3:

ffmpeg2.8.5 - http://iptvplayer.pl/resources/ffmpeg2.8.5_mipsel_fpu.tar.gz
ffmpeg2.8.5 (openssl1.0.2) - http://iptvplayer.pl/resources/ffmpeg2.8.5_mipsel_fpu_openssl1.0.2.tar.gz
exteplayer3 for ffmpeg2.8 - http://iptvplayer.pl/resources/bin/mipsel/exteplayer3_ffmpeg2.8
exteplayer3 for ffmpeg3.0 - http://iptvplayer.pl/resources/bin/mipsel/exteplayer3_ffmpeg3.0



Example of bouquet with serviceapp services:

#SERVICE 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//movietrailers.apple.com/movies/sony_pictures/hoteltransylvania2/hoteltransylvania2-tlr2_h480p.mov?#User-Agent=iTunes:MOV_TRAILER_USER_AGENT
#SERVICE 5001:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//movietrailers.apple.com/movies/sony_pictures/hoteltransylvania2/hoteltransylvania2-tlr2_h480p.mov?#User-Agent=iTunes:MOV_TRAILER_USER_AGENT_GST
#SERVICE 5002:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//movietrailers.apple.com/movies/sony_pictures/hoteltransylvania2/hoteltransylvania2-tlr2_h480p.mov?#User-Agent=iTunes:MOV_TRAILER_USER_AGENT_EXT3

Certainly there are mistakes but hopefully not many :), any input is welcome.


In a nutshell here's how it works.

In your /etc/enigma2/ directory you have your channel bouquets with the .tv and .radio extensions.

Inside these files there's this for example:

#SERVICE 4097:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//cdn.djing.com/tv/u-05.m3u8:DJING Underground (CDN)

By default this will play with the gstreamer dvbmediasink (which is currently broken for sh4).

If you like to play your stream with exteplayer3 instead you should change the 4097 to 5002, like this:

#SERVICE 5002:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//cdn.djing.com/tv/u-05.m3u8:DJING Underground (CDN)

You can also change it to play with gstplayer using 5001:

#SERVICE 5001:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//cdn.djing.com/tv/u-05.m3u8:DJING Underground (CDN)

Now let's say you'd like to convert your entire bouquet to play with exteplayer3, simply login to your receiver with telnet/ssh (use PuTTY for Windows).

And issue to the following commands:

First stop enigma2:

init 4

Then change your bouquet to make all streams play with exteplayer3, lets say userbouquet.favourites.tv:

cd /etc/enigma2
sed -i 's/^#SERVICE 4097/#SERVICE 5002/g' userbouquet.favourites.tv

Then restart enigma2:

init 3

That's it !

You can also make exteplayer3 the default backend for playing back everything.

Go to Menu -> Plugins -> ServiceApp and set exteplayer3 as default.

Keep in mind that with exteplayer3 or gstplayer as default backend you will not have support for external subtitles (.srt for example).

That's why I've added MediaPlayer2 and SubsSupport from mx3L.

I haven't tested it for myself yet, since I simply changed my IPTV streams with type 5002 (exteplayer3) so everything else like DreamPlex for example keeps using the dvbmediasink.

Play around and let us know your findings!


From Feeds :
opkg update
opkg install ffmpeg exteplayer3 gstreamer1.0-libav

Dreambox_from_ext_storage.txt (99 downloads)
serviceapp_recipes.zip (79 downloads)
ffmpeg2.8.5_mipsel_fpu.tar.zip (35 downloads)
ffmpeg2.8.5_mipsel_fpu_openssl1.0.2.tar.zip (51 downloads)
exteplayer3_ffmpeg_2.8_3.0-ELF.zip (61 downloads)


#8480 - 05/18/16 06:30 PM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Champtheone Offline
VIP Japhar

Registered: 02/04/14
Posts: 31

I tested your Dreambox_from_ext_storage.txt
With the last version of OpenPli from May, better not use it to format the USB. (I have a 8GB usb though...)

I use this image to format my USB :
- SuperSim : NewNigma2 4.0.11 IPTV (OE2.0) - Japhar

I am still trying to install this usb...

DM800HD with Japhar Sim NC3 for DM800HD - OpenPli 4.0
Sunray DM800HD se V2, Sim2.20 #88 - openpli-4.0-beta-dm800sev2-20150917-sim2-ssl88a.nfi

#8481 - 05/18/16 06:41 PM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Toysoft Online   content
Japhar Member
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/22/10
Posts: 2643
Try smaller one, as 4 Gb I think is the bigger you can have, so try 1 Gb that could be the best option.

DM8000, DM800se, DM500HD, DM800HD, DM7025, DM7020s, DM7000, DM500s
VU+ Solo, VU+ Uno, VU+ Duo, Kathrein UFS910
Tivusat, TNTSat, Fransat, SSR/TSR, BBC1-2-3/ITV
DE-OpenBlackHole 1.4 image : http://www.openblackhole.com/

#8485 - 05/19/16 12:55 AM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Champtheone Offline
VIP Japhar

Registered: 02/04/14
Posts: 31
Hello in

1. unpack recipes in serviceapp.tar.gz in $openpli-oe-core/meta-local/recipes-local

tar xzf serviceapp_recipes.tgz -C $openpli-oe-core_dir/meta-local/recipes-local

What is the openly-oe-core directory ?

It seems that it is not recognise.

DM800HD with Japhar Sim NC3 for DM800HD - OpenPli 4.0
Sunray DM800HD se V2, Sim2.20 #88 - openpli-4.0-beta-dm800sev2-20150917-sim2-ssl88a.nfi

#8486 - 05/19/16 01:14 AM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Admin Online   content
Japhar Member
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/19/10
Posts: 9907
This is all about how to compile it, when an image is compiled.

Are you trying to compile an image ?


#8487 - 05/19/16 05:48 AM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Champtheone Offline
VIP Japhar

Registered: 02/04/14
Posts: 31
Well, I thought it was for the box ...

Anyway works for me, some channel don't load though... with exteplayer3

DM800HD with Japhar Sim NC3 for DM800HD - OpenPli 4.0
Sunray DM800HD se V2, Sim2.20 #88 - openpli-4.0-beta-dm800sev2-20150917-sim2-ssl88a.nfi

#8492 - 05/20/16 09:02 AM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
marco Offline
VIP Japhar

Registered: 11/27/15
Posts: 1
everything OK with a 2Gb pendrive.
do NOT use a 128Mb because it's not enough: almost 170Mb needed only for install ffmpeg exteplayer3 gstreamer1.0-libav and a867 driver :o)
dm800 login: root
root@dm800:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 1.8G    169.6M      1.7G   9% /
tmpfs                    64.0K         0     64.0K   0% /media
/dev/sda1                 1.8G    169.6M      1.7G   9% /media/usb
tmpfs                    71.0M      5.1M     65.9M   7% /var/volatile
/dev/mtdblock2            3.8M      2.4M      1.3M  64% /boot

good job toysoft
thanks a lot.

#8494 - 05/20/16 11:00 AM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Toysoft Online   content
Japhar Member
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/22/10
Posts: 2643
Well done Marco, very usefull for all us as we could have tried an old stick ;o), so 256 Mb minumum in this case,

Thank you !


From Feeds :
opkg update
opkg install ffmpeg exteplayer3 gstreamer1.0-libav
DM8000, DM800se, DM500HD, DM800HD, DM7025, DM7020s, DM7000, DM500s
VU+ Solo, VU+ Uno, VU+ Duo, Kathrein UFS910
Tivusat, TNTSat, Fransat, SSR/TSR, BBC1-2-3/ITV
DE-OpenBlackHole 1.4 image : http://www.openblackhole.com/

#8503 - 05/20/16 10:57 PM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Champtheone Offline
VIP Japhar

Registered: 02/04/14
Posts: 31

I managed to use a 8GB USB stick laugh

Some channel don't work it depends on the ServiceApp config.

I didn't change this #SERVICE 4097 to anything else. It was bugging and had to fix the issue because the box didn't respond anymore.


DM800HD with Japhar Sim NC3 for DM800HD - OpenPli 4.0
Sunray DM800HD se V2, Sim2.20 #88 - openpli-4.0-beta-dm800sev2-20150917-sim2-ssl88a.nfi

#8825 - 06/28/16 12:18 AM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
anestef Offline

Registered: 06/28/16
Posts: 1
can i have the iptv links in m3u file list?
i want to watch it in kodi and vlc

#10005 - 11/01/16 09:24 PM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
frank087234 Offline

Registered: 12/25/12
Posts: 12
crash with epgtranslator installed

Info >> Yellow (single epg) crash

OpenPLi Enigma2 crash log

crashdate=Tue Nov 1 18:58:47 2016
compiledate=Jul 19 2016
branch=(HEAD detached at f4c8ea3)

kernelcmdline=root=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=jffs2 rw console=null debug
nimsockets=NIM Socket 0:
imageissue=OpenPLi 4 %h - Support Forum http://www.japhar.com/

< 543.396> [HardwareInfo] Scanning hardware info
< 543.427> Detected: dm800
< 543.515> [Harddisk] enumerating block devices...
< 543.589> [Harddisk] new device sdb -> /dev/sdb -> /dev/sdb
< 543.748> [Harddisk] new device sda -> /dev/sda -> /dev/sda
< 543.751> [ePopen] command: ('hdparm', 'hdparm', '-S0', '/dev/sda')
< 544.312> SKIN ERROR: {DarkSky/skin.xml}: primary skin not found. Please contact the skin's author!
< 544.315> defaulting to standard skin... PLi-HD/skin.xml
< 546.687> [NimManager] Reading satellites.xml
< 547.611> [SecConfigure] sec config cleared
< 547.618> [SecConfigure] slot: 0 configmode: advanced
< 547.632> [SecConfigure] add 130 to 4
< 547.636> [SecConfigure] add 192 to 5
< 547.640> [SecConfigure] add 260 to 3
< 547.646> [SecConfigure] add 282 to 2
< 547.651> [SecConfigure] add 3530 to 1
< 547.704> [SecConfigure] sec config completed
< 547.967> [Picon] adding path: /media/ba/picon/
< 548.090> [Picon] adding path: /media/usb/picon/
< 558.752> [SKIN] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/PLi-HD/skin_templates.xml
< 558.847> [SKIN] loading include: /usr/share/enigma2/PLi-HD/skin_plugins.xml
< 559.454> Unknown device type: dreambox front panel
< 559.891> Activating keymap: Default (US)
< 559.895> [ePopen] command: loadkmap < /usr/share/keymaps/default.kmap
< 559.916> Activating language English
< 562.404> --> setting scaler_sharpness to: 0000000D
< 563.919> [keymapparser] keymap file /usr/share/enigma2/keytranslation.xml not found
< 563.960> [ePopen] command: ip -o addr show dev wlan0
< 563.987> [ePopen] command: ip -o addr show dev eth0
< 564.356> [Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /media/ba
< 564.360> [Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /media/hdd
< 564.364> [Ipkg] Added to OPKG destinations: /media/usb
< 569.195> [VideoHardware] getModeList for port DVI-PC
< 569.200> [VideoHardware] getModeList for port Scart
< 569.208> [VideoHardware] getModeList for port YPbPr
< 569.228> [VideoHardware] getModeList for port Scart
< 569.237> [VideoHardware] getModeList for port DVI-PC
< 569.245> [VideoHardware] getModeList for port DVI
< 569.268> [VideoHardware] hotplug on dvi
< 569.278> [VideoHardware] -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
< 569.306> [VideoHardware] -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
< 569.335> [VideoHardware] -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
< 569.359> [VideoHardware] -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
< 569.383> [VideoHardware] setMode - port: DVI mode: 1080i rate: multi
< 569.405> [VideoHardware] -> setting aspect, policy, policy2, wss 16:9 bestfit bestfit auto
< 569.732> [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for NetworkBrowser
< 569.754> [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Search for network shares
< 569.777> [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for MountManager
< 569.799> [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Manage network shares
< 569.828> [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Mount again
< 569.851> [NetworkBrowser] fallback to default translation for Attempt to mount shares again
< 570.020> [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Softcam setup
< 570.044> [SoftcamSetup] fallback to default translation for Lets you configure your softcams
< 570.216> [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for Audio Sync Setup
< 570.240> [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for Setup for the Audio Sync Plugin
< 570.261> [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for Audio Sync
< 570.281> [AudioSync] fallback to default translation for sets the Audio Delay (LipSync)
< 570.660> loadSkin: Screen already defined elsewhere: AboutScreen
< 585.513> getFPVersion failed!
< 586.909> [MovieCut] set language to en
< 586.924> [MovieCut] set language to en
< 586.938> [MovieCut] fallback to default Enigma2 Translation for Execute cuts...
< 587.547> Plugin Extensions/WebInterface failed to load: No module named plugin
< 587.552> Plugin probably removed, but not cleanly in /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface
< 587.752> [AutoBackup] fallback to default translation for Automatic settings backup
< 588.061> wasTimerWakeup failed!
< 588.478> [SKIN] No skin to read...
< 588.792> [BARRYALLEN] autostart
< 588.830> [SKIN] Parsing embedded skin <embedded-in-'Screensaver'>
< 593.811> [SKIN] No skin to read...
< 594.882> RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 597.126> setValue 40
< 597.439> playing 1:0:1:2:200:2BE:1040000:0:0:0:
< 597.528> getResolvedKey config.usage.remote_fallback failed !! (Typo??)
< 600.649> not pauseable.
< 600.664> not pauseable.
< 600.676> not pauseable.
< 600.687> new service started! trying to download cuts!
< 600.689> download failed, no cuesheet interface
< 600.692> RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 601.139> [ePopen] command: route -n | grep wlan0
< 601.175> [ePopen] command: route -n | grep eth0
< 601.615> 192.168
< 601.616>
< 601.692> nameservers: [[192, 168, 0, 1]]
< 601.695> read configured interface: {'lo': {'dhcp': False}, 'wlan0': {'dhcp': True}, 'eth0': {'dhcp': False, 'netmask': [255, 255, 255, 0], 'gateway': [192, 168, 0, 1], 'address': [192, 168, 0, 8]}}
< 601.699> self.ifaces after loading: {'wlan0': {'preup': '\tpre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf -B -dd -Dralink || true\n', 'predown': '\tpre-down wpa_cli -iwlan0 terminate || true\n', 'ip': [192, 168, 0, 11], 'up': True, 'mac': '00:19:5b:75:21:95', 'dhcp': True, 'bcast': [192, 168, 0, 255], 'netmask': [255, 255, 255, 0], 'gateway': [192, 168, 0, 1]}, 'eth0': {'preup': False, 'predown': False, 'ip': [192, 168, 0, 8], 'up': False, 'mac': '00:09:34:29:56:f5', 'dhcp': False, 'netmask': [255, 255, 255, 0], 'gateway': [192, 168, 0, 1]}}
< 601.721> AT plugin not found
< 601.725> SerienRecorder plugin not found
< 601.728> ER plugin not found
< 601.741> [OpenWebif] no plugins to load
< 601.809> [OpenWebif] started on 80
< 603.776> [eDVBPESReader] Created. Opening demux
< 603.777> [eDVBPESReader] Created. Opening demux
< 603.789> not pauseable.
< 603.801> not pauseable.
< 604.284> RemovePopup, id = ZapError
< 604.787> [Dish] tuning failed
< 622.256> warning, skin is missing element FullDescription in <class 'Screens.EventView.EventViewEPGSelect'>
< 624.856> action -> EventViewEPGActions openSingleServiceEPG
< 624.923> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 624.925> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 46, in action
< 624.928> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EventView.py", line 324, in openSingleEPG
< 624.930> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1083, in openSingleServiceEPG
< 624.933> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 279, in openWithCallback
< 624.937> dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 624.938> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 289, in open
< 624.942> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 624.946> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 232, in instantiateDialog
< 624.951> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 624.952> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 249, in doInstantiateDialog
< 624.956> dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 624.958> TypeError: EPGSelection__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'parent'

#10006 - 11/01/16 09:37 PM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Admin Online   content
Japhar Member
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/19/10
Posts: 9907
Looks like the Skin is not compatible with it,


< 622.256> warning, skin is missing element FullDescription in <class 'Screens.EventView.EventViewEPGSelect'>
< 624.856> action -> EventViewEPGActions openSingleServiceEPG

#10009 - 11/01/16 11:55 PM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
frank087234 Offline

Registered: 12/25/12
Posts: 12
it is problem with epgselection.py according to plugib developer Kashmir

#10013 - 11/02/16 11:38 AM Re: DM800HD MastaG OpenPLi 4.0 better IPTV - ffmpeg2 [Re: Admin]
Admin Online   content
Japhar Member
Carpal Tunnel

Registered: 10/19/10
Posts: 9907
He needs to fix his plugin to work with OpenPLi,



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07/14/24 10:33 PM
DM800HDse : OpenPLi 8.xStar 20230624 GS1.20.5 (v6)
by Admin
06/25/23 05:01 PM