JapharFlasher works as well as DreamUp on which it's based on.

You need to use the RJ45 + RS232, and if you use a RS232 cable you MUST have both sides a RS232 connector (NEVER USE USB-RS232, it will fail 99% of times).

So connect Rj45 + Rs232 to your box, so router + PC with Real Rs232 port/cable.

Flash the SSL alone, when you move from an older SSL (Lower than 84) and if possible use the SSLALL SIM that we posted on Japhar section (see the section for your box, on subsection OS you will find the ALLSIM SSL).

Yes, WebIf is much easier, but doesn't work always if you have an old Browser or an old SSL in the box... so you need to upgrade to SSL84 version first, then reboot and then flashing image.
