wow wow, thank you so much!
i am so glad you can tell me so much.

i have try to replace my drive file into /lib/modules ,but I only have a short time after i open the machine ,the time is so short ,it is not enough for me to open ftp software,input password send drive file ,the machine quickly doesn't work and be black. can you help me?

i am a fun of your BlackHole image, i flash it on my machine, it works well,but it have one small problem. the EPG is wrong when i use China Cable TV, it have Chinese character gash problem ,a lot of wrong text when it's not english or number,because our country EPG text code is GB2312 or GBK code, but your image use UTF8,i have to chagne our text from GBK to UTF8.

the first i try to compile offical orginal image, and make it work on my machine ,

the second i try to compile your BlackHole image then try to reslove our country cable TV wrong Text,would you like to help me to do this? thank you so much!