Hi Guys,
I have found these two Tools for converting ANY picture (1280*720) or (1920*1080) of your choice, as long as it is a ".jpg file >>> to >>> .mvi" and use in your Boxes as bootlogo.mvi, bootlogo_wait, backdrop.mvi, reboot.mvi, switchoff.mvi and shutdown.mvi..etc usually (usr/share)

You can also take ANY picture (1280*720) or (1920*1080)of your choice to make your own "radio.mvi screenlogo".
But this one has to be Installed manually into the correct Folder..(usr/share/enigma2)
Does NOT work with the Tools.

ALL pictures MUST be in Format (1280*720) or (1920*1080) for conversion.!
You MUST have .NET Framework v.4 installed for this to work.!

The Xorion Converted ".mvi" files are then stored in the same folder where you Set-Up and Launched the Generator Tool from in "e2_Logo"..!!!

You can if you wish Fill out the IP of your Box:.
user: root and password: dreambox
(if error shows.. try again.. without user and pass filled in).!!
and FTP straight into Box ..that's your choice.!
This way it goes into the correct Folder NO mistakes.!
BUT you can send also manually up to you.!

Always Check first in your Boxes and images which "pfad" stores which Logo..and its Attribute... keep it same as original.!
Normally it would be " usr/share " and / or " usr/share/enigma2 "..! Att 644 or 755.

Should auto Transfer NOT work for some reason sending manually is another option for ALL Logos.!

Admin may correct, if I have made a mistake here.

xorionBootLogoMatik.rar (28 downloads)
dream_logo_generator.rar (34 downloads)

Please STAY SAFE and PROTECTED from COVID-19 wink