If you have NO CA FOUND message it means you have loaded an SSL/Image that is not compatible with the sim card in the box.

So as explained in the tutorial, you have to do :

- Flash the SSL ALLSIM.
- Turn off box
- Replace the old sim by the Japhar
- Turn on the box
- Flash a Japhar image

At what we know, you have a DM800HDse V1 box, so flash images from here only for now,


And use the ALLSIM from here, http://www.ourdreambox.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=290#Post290

Please also tell us what you done and exactly which files (give us the links) you used.

Try to restore the box on a state where you don't have NO CA ERROR, for example inserting back the old sim, does it removes that error ? If yes, then you can do as explained in the tutorial.

If it doesn't change anything, and you have the same with the Japhar Sim, please tell us which image/software you loaded that gave you that error.

A simple way to flash the ALLSIM is the JapharFlasher with the USB Cable + RJ45 Cable. Then once you have it, you "recovered the box" and you can do anything you want.


P.S.: To set the box in download/image/Mode, NEVER use the back push button, that just loads the SSL from Sim2... that naturally is NOT compatible with the Japhar or any other sim.