Now, we are ready to send a channel list into our STB, download plugins, do the fine tuning, with all sorts of settinsg etc. smile

We shall cover that a little later... wink

Real life awaits... laugh


I used the latest "Ciefp's satellite and VOD TV settings" as the basis...

But I also edited it for my setup, which includes an awesome all-round Zgemma H7S box, with 2 x DVB-S/S2 tuners and a DVB-C/T/T2 tuner:

a) UK terrestrial DVB-T/T2 services (Crystal Palace, south London transmitter), using an indoor, amplified aerial

b) T90 multifocal + a small, single position satellite dish

1) 39E
2) 28E
3) 23,5 E
4) 19E
5) 16E
6) 13E
7) 10 + 9E
8) 7E
9) 0.8/1W
10) 4 + 5W

Single dish:
11) 30W

Method used:

Firstly, I replaced satellites.xml included in the ciefp's lists with Reinh@rd's file (E2-satellites-xml-29112017).

Then, I used Dreamset app to delete the unused satellite positions and whatever was not needed (German terrestrial services, plus PV from satellites I do not have etc.) => Save As...

Then, I used DreamboxEDIT to open the newly edited list and send it to the box => restart E2.

I then scanned the UK (Crystal Palace) terrestrial services and that automatically created a new folder in the list (Terrestrial). After that, I manually scanned satellite by satellite, for everything that I can get here, in London, with the equipment I have.

After that, I used DeamboxEDIT app to get it out of the box and save in on my PC.

Feel free to edit the Favourites as per your needs/taste, of course...

Enjoy, if anyone has the need for something like this...

Btw, I have added a smaller version of the list, without radio channels, terrestrial ones etc. Just in case... smile

ciefp_gorski_T90_11 (2 downloads)
ciepf_gorski_smaller_no terrestrial and radio channels (0 downloads)

"Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking.Their is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." - Martin L. King