Thanks for your input toysoft, i was not too worried about telnet/ftp as i have changed default pass and no ports to the box will be open to the box ever but samba is a different story as you say.

I dont know which country you are from yourself toysoft but here in Britain most stock routers here are garbage which is why i have always used open source routers,, just last week i noticed at a mates that an internet provider here called talk talk have samba enabled as default along with upnp which is just stupid.

So my point is if samba is enabled on a router then external hackers from pretty much anywhere on the planet will be able to get in if samba is enabled on the box without any external ports being opened and then do pretty much what they like to stuff the box in question up..particularly an old image from 2014 but thats what my mate will have to deal with...not my box.