Cloud-ibox4 by Johnny

I've bought a defective cloud-ibox4 which has the famous red led issue and it was simply to repair by replacing the nand flash chip, but later more about this.

In any case now it works I had the opportunity to see if I could modify it to work with the VuJ chip, and thus removed the old security chip from the print side, added two wires on the Scl/Sda circuits and build a socket for it to easily plugin the VuJ board.

Later I will make a good instructions drawing for it, but for now I can tell that this box perfectly works on the VuJ chip. Uploaded the openpli original duo file, did some online upgrades, tested the card readers etc, and it still works fine. In any case, I have here some pictures from it, have fun..

Cloud-Ibox4-VuJchiptesting-openpli.JPG (531 downloads)
Cloud-Ibox4-VuJchiptesting.JPG (528 downloads)
Cloud-Ibox4_jtag_I2C.jpg (63 downloads)
VuDuo_Cloud_Ibox4_Securitychipsocket.jpg (643 downloads)
