NFI is the image format. All images for DM800HD/DM800HDse/DM500HD/DM8000HD etc need to be in the NFI format to be loaded into these box.

When you want to flash your box, you will need to flash the image NFI file, that is built for the sim card in your box.

The images we publish as standard, then the user installs what he needs on them. If we would have to customize the image for each member, we would need to post few thousand times the same image just with different added things inside, and it would be even a bigger problem when there is not enough memory for example to install the the Wifi drivers or all the DVB-T drivers, etc... As all image builders, we compile it and publish it "clean". Then the member adds what he needs for him (most other members will need other things than him).

DM8000HD has much more memory than DM800HD, so it's difficult to compare both, as one can fit much more and the DM800HD right now needs to be downsized to have the minimum needed to not overpass the available memory in the box of 64 Mb.
