Internal Flash
Block size 131072, page size 2048, OOB size 64
Dumping data starting at 0x00000000 and ending at 0x00100000...
truncate at 0x00022280...
* dm800sev2 FOUND *
Cercando di identificare l'immagine
Creazione swapfile su /media/hdd with 128MB
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
134217728 bytes (128.0MB) copied, 2.426177 seconds, 52.8MB/s
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 134213632 bytes
Swapfile activato
umount: can't unmount /tmp/bi/boot: Invalid argument
umount: can't unmount /tmp/bi/root: Invalid argument
BackUp avviato a: 15:29:26
Rimozione Links MultiBoot
sed: /tmp/bi/boot/autoexec*.bat: No such file or directory
sed: /tmp/bi/boot/autoexec*.bat: No such file or directory
sed: /tmp/bi/boot/autoexec*.bat: No such file or directory
Grabbing secondstage
creo boot.img oe2.0
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
3 bytes (3B) copied, 0.003758 seconds, 798B/s
UBIFS Filesystem ...
create root.img oe2.0
./ line 490: /media/hdd/bhbackup/mkfs.ubifs: not found
./ line 490: /media/hdd/bhbackup/ubinize: not found
creo Secondstageloader...
Build dm800sev2 IMAGE OE2.0...
FlashBackup creato in: /media/hdd/FlashBackup-2018-09-15@15.29.21-SSL-dm800sev2.nfi
Enigma2: Experimental
Machine: Dreambox dm800sev2
Date: 20180915
MD5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
FlashBackup finito a: 15:29:30
Durata del FlashBackup: 0minutes 4seconds
umount: can't unmount /tmp/bi/boot: Invalid argument
rm: can't remove '/media/hdd/swapfile_backup': Operation not permitted
exit 0

tried with this but it does not work