As you can see in the image, I've managed to install a new SSD in my box.
First, I created two partitions using fdisk command one of 5GB (dev/sda1) and the other with the rest of the unit 240GB as dev/sda2.
Then, I changed /etc/fstab file to address new schema:
/dev/sda2 /media/hdd auto defaults 0 0
But, I've received an error when I tried to record a file using the GUI... it seems that
the GUI needs to initialize the HDD before.
So, I initialized the HDD with the GUI, unfortunately it's erased the previous layout (two partitions).
Is there any way to change such behavior? I mean, initialize only over /dev/sda2 partition?
My apologies if I've not explained clearly the problem.
Thanks in advance.

HDD-DM800HDse.JPG (6 downloads)