
You can use the Mini-Flash button only if the old sim is in the box. So if you want to flash a Japhar image in your box, you have to put back your old sim, and boot pressing the Mini-Flash button, Flash the Japhar image and turn off box, and swap the old sim to the Japhar. This everytime you want to flash an image that is not for the "old sim".

Why this ? Because the ROM of the box has the old sim SSL, and this SSL is ONLY working with the OLD SIM. Any other sim will be rejected and not accepted by the proprietary SSL that the Mini-Flash loads.

But the easiest way to flash an image is thru the WebInterface, pressing the front button when the box is turned on. Or to use the JapharFlasher that is a software much more clever than the Mini-Flash/ROM of the box, as with the JapharFlasher you can use ANY sim and ANY SSL/Image.
