
Yes, you are perfectly right, you can unsolder the old security chip on the DM800HDseV2 and replace it with a Sim socket and a Japhar Sim (you could even put the old security chip on a pcb with the simcard contacts, to still use it after swapping it with the Japhar Sim).

This is the reason why on the Japhar eshop we sell the sim socket, as members could need as well when they replace the sim, replace the simcard socket.

See here :

- Socket : https://jam3.japhar.com/japhar/index.php/product/sim-socket/

- Japhar sim for DM800HDse V2 : https://jam3.japhar.com/japhar/index.php/product/dm800hdse-v2-nc3-japhar/

Then your box will work with all the Clone Japhar DM800HDse V2 images, as well as you can use the latest patched driver for DM800HDse V2, giving you in fact the full 100% compatibility with the Original software and latest drivers.


P.S.: Before doing the chip switch to the Japhar Sim, we could ask you to launch a python script in your box, and send us the output log for our information. Then we will help you to do the upgrade to the Japhar sim software and give you all the tips to use at the best all the software and latest drivers we published for your original box upgraded to Japhar Sim.

More here : http://www.ourdreambox.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=15#Post15