If your box is a DM800HDse V1, you will need a Japhar DM800HDse v1 as you can see below on the link.

Sim DM800HDse V1 : https://jam3.japhar.com/japhar/index.php/product/japhar-dm800se/

You cannot use a v2 sim in a v1 box (and vice-versa). If your box had a Sim2 2.10, it is v1 box. v2 boxes have Sim2 2.20.

The v1 box has 64 Mb of Flash, 128 Mb of Ram. The v2 box has 512 Mb of Flash and 1 Gb of Ram.


P.S.: If your box is a DM800HDse V2, see sticker below (512 Mb / 1 Gb), it will need the v2 sim : https://jam3.japhar.com/japhar/index.php/product/dm800hdse-v2-nc3-japhar/