Ok Admin,
I have Hooked up my 800seV2 and checked I have NO Plugin EPG-Importer in my Plugins.! whistle

I looked thru JAM to find the Plugin but only see "
EPGImport for DM800se/DM500", but NO DM800seV2 version.
So I selected this one DM800se and Execution shows Errors..
See Pic below

Then I opened Plugin Browser (Download plugins - Green Button)
and in Extension Folder I see here.
2x EPGImportFilter (1.0+git12)
2x EPGrefresh for when Box is inactive
2x EPGsearch for EPG List results see Pics attached.
But i cannot find an EPGImporter. confused
So which one should I choose to install?
Pls advise.Thanks

OR is this Plugin ONLY on the "OpenPLi 7.2star" image?

pic 01.jpg (12 downloads)
pic 02.jpg (7 downloads)
pic 03.jpg (5 downloads)
pic 04.jpg (9 downloads)

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