Each Smartcard is completely different hardware compared to others, in Pay-TV even more as they have custom chips. So you will never be able to clone an original Pay-TV smartcard into another (only to the same card from the same operator, copying the keys)... generally the software is often also in the ROM, and the ROM is manufactured specifically for the CAS/Pay-TV Operator... so also if the Japhar Sim card hardware is powerful and have a lot of space, you will definitely not be able to "copy" to it the Pay-TV card software. Let's also remember that the chips in the smartcards are very different, there is hundreds of them at least, each manufacturer perhaps has currently 10-20 and in the entire life of their products perhaps each manufacturer had hundreds of different versions/chips... it's like wanting to use a Peugeot motor into a BMW, etc. It does the same job, but not the same way and not with the same components.

The only "clone pirate" pay-tv cards done in past, were built because the pirates dumped the original card, understood the software inside and rewritten it to the smartcard host they wanted to use... often changing completely the architecture and chip itself (eg. Sky was using Motorola at the start, and it was "cloned" into PIC Microchip chips... From Motorola Code 6805 to PIC16 MIPS)...

So totaly not feasable... with the power of the processors today you could imagine to "emulate" a processor into another, writting a low level emulator that emulates the assembler/opcodes... but that's another thing, as well as often you will have to understand the custom chip as there is special functions, often hardware (Think again of the SKY Videocrypt chips copied into a Dallas 8051 chip and an FPGA for the custom logic hardware, and this was only 25 years ago... today, imagine that most of the Pay-TV CAS have built their own chip/processor with their own architecture inside with custom coprocessors etc)...

DM8000, DM800se, DM500HD, DM800HD, DM7025, DM7020s, DM7000, DM500s
VU+ Solo, VU+ Uno, VU+ Duo, Kathrein UFS910
Tivusat, TNTSat, Fransat, SSR/TSR, BBC1-2-3/ITV
DE-OpenBlackHole 1.4 image : http://www.openblackhole.com/