You will find below all images for DM800HDse V2 with Japhar Sim,

On that list you have Open images (OpenPLi, OpenATV, PurE2, BlackHole, etc), and DMM images such as NewNigma2.

For original box, you have here images, but none are for DMM...

DMM support stopped many years ago for the DM800HDseV2, and the enigma2 is at least 5-6 years old, and perhaps even more...

Open images (including the enigma2 for open images) are very new, still from 2020.

Generally the patch is not too difficult if you have images for other sim for DM800HDse V2, you need to replace the SSL (flash image and flash the SSL for your sim, eg SSL89J for Japhar) and the bcm7405.ko file in /lib/modules/.../extra.
