OK Guys,
I will reply to myself. here is the solution.!

I took a LONG Ethernet Cable (25mtr) and went from the dm900 directly to Router. wink

After Logging into the Router, I took the DM900 assigned DHCP address, and connected openWebif with the new IP address. smile

Then I just Flashed the latest version from here:- Tks TS

Link: http://www.ourdreambox.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=22789

Although I left "save settings" ticked on, it still DID not load any settings at ALL. so I will have to go and Set it ALL up again.

I can ONLY conclude from this experience that the "Updates via Box are NOT safe" and I will NEVER again do one. crazy


Hope you are ALL still well and doing your best with this Covid 19 experience. grin

Edited by AJP007 (01/23/21 08:15 PM)
Please STAY SAFE and PROTECTED from COVID-19 wink