Ok, so if it's not always happening the reason is not then the capacitors.

Newer images have different Flash/Memory organisation, so probably it could be a good idea to Flash the SSL84J, reboot and then flash the SSL84J image NFI file with DreamUp/JapharFlasher with Bad Sector Recovery enabled, or use Telnet to set it thru the BIOS setup of the DM box to check the Bad Sectory on next Flashing. You can then reflash again the image just to be sure all is clean enough.


Originally Posted By: shaggs
Hi, thanks again for taking the time out to reply. The capacitors look good, but I will test them with a meter at the weekend. The only thing I would say against it being the capacitors is that I can put an image in with bootloader 82 and the box boots up fine, its only when I try to load a newer bootloader and image that things start going nuts