»Thor 0.8 ° West
Identifier [New: PREMIER SPORT 2 SK HD] from the channel Premier Sport 2 SK HD to Thor 0.8 ° West has changed.
Data: Frequency 11977 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
Identifier [New: Nova Fun HD] from transmitter Nova 2 HD to Thor 0.8 ° West has changed.
Data: Frequency 12169 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
Identification [New: PREMIER SPORT 1 SK HD], audio pid from the transmitter PREMIER SPORT HD to Thor 0.8 ° West has changed .
Data: Frequency 12169 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod.8PSK, encrypted: Yes
The identifier [New: PREMIER SPORT 1 CZ HD] from the channel PREMIER SPORT CZ HD to Thor 0.8 ° West has changed.
Data: Frequency 12245 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
The Disney Channel was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12456 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
The RTL Gold channel was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12456 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
The RTL + HU transmitter was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12456 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod.8PSK, encrypted: Yes
The Sport 2 HD channel was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12456 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes
The Cool TV channel was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12563 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 28800, FEC 3/5, Mod. QPSK, encrypted: Yes
The channel Muzsika TV was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12563 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 28800, FEC 3/5, Mod. QPSK, encrypted: Yes
The TV Paprika HU transmitter was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12563 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 28800, FEC 3/5, Mod. QPSK, encrypted: Yes
The CBS Reality transmitter was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12607 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 28800, FEC 3/5, Mod. QPSK, encrypted: Yes
The JimJam transmitter was switched off in the Slovak Telekom package.
Data: Frequency 12607 MHz, polarization V, symbol rate 28800, FEC 3/5, Mod. QPSK, encrypted: Yes
The temporary transmitter TEST was connected to Thor 0.8 ° West in the M7 package.
Data: Frequency 12284 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 30000, FEC 3/4, Mod. 8PSK, encrypted: Yes

»Hotbird 13.0 ° East
The shopping channel Canale Italia was switched to Hotbird 13.0 ° East in the Harmonic package.
Attention, the transmitter is available several times on this frequency.
Data: frequency 11179 MHz, polarization H, symbol rate 27500, FEC 3/4, Mod.8PSK, encrypted: no
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