No, as you can see you send the data you just copied, when you should send again the "df -h" command... you cannot send the previous output back into the box, as it will naturally fail.

On that box you have 6 Mb, so it's a lot available.

You should explain more when you have such Green screens, and login in the box when it happens and send the "df -h" command to see if the memory is low.

If the memory is still ok (more than 1.5 Mb), then I would consider replacing the PSU (Often these fail and could create such problems). But first reflash the box with the bad sector enabled, to have a clean install of the image into the cleaned flash. And when a green screen happens do the "df -h" command to know the status of the box. Then let us know.


root@dm800se:~# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 60.0M 53.7M 6.3M 89% /
devtmpfs 66.3M 4.0K 66.3M 0% /dev
tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
tmpfs 66.4M 124.0K 66.2M 0% /var/volatile
/dev/sda1 14.3G 158.8M 14.2G 1% /media/usb