HELP please
Did not work with the wires .
I solderd the chip back
Result : second failed . so no boot file ?
Flashed it with DREAMUP and browser .file newnigma2-ipk-weekly-dm800sev2-17_10_2021
It works fine .
Got the chip out , solderd the sim holder in .
Flashed it with japhar flasher , and browser ,file openpli-enigma2-8.0star-dm800sev2_Japhar_v6_GStreamer_1.18.3_20210611
Result : second failed . so no boot file again ???
Could it be that one of the connections to the sim is faulty ? so it does not flash the boot file ?
Or does it flash nothing at all .
The solder points .
I solderd it 3 times so it must be a connection on the mother board .
The chip works fine so the connections there are ok .
Which connection could be the faulty one ???
And can i make a bypass from the chip solder points ?
Are all connections to the sim used ?
Got the sim out a working v2 box .
Can i check the connection points in the sim holder with a muti meter ?
How to check the points ? and what values should it be ?
Wich soder points of the chip ,correspond with the solder points of the sim .

I can get it working the the chip but want the Japhar sim !!
Thanks in advance

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I don't want to give up yet .