To modify VID:PID on Ralink 5370 USB Wifi Dongle.

If we change it to default Ralink 5370 it will work with any images that support this device without manually installing drivers through command line, can just download via dreambox menus, if you change the VID:PID to a Ralink 2870 device it will also work to images that have that driver installed or downloaded via dreambox (Older images support this device)

As a bonus, if you have a Samsung Smart TV or Samsung TV that supports Samsung Wifi Dongle, C/D/E series, you can change the VID:PID to the Samsung one listed at the bottom of the tutorial it will work as a offical �50 Samsung wifi dongle

WIFI dongle ;), You can buy Tenda w311M for �5 which works perfectly on this TV. (I use on mine) other 5730's can also be changed to work on the TV, just this is very cheap and I have thoroughly tested.

I accept no responsibility if you brick your device, you do this at your own risk. If you do accidentally make a mistake or want to change your pid back I will explain this process later on in these instructions!

Download and put Ubuntu 10.4.4 live CD to a USB stick, this version is tried and tested with my drivers, newer versions of Ubunto will not work and we want a clean enviroment with no existing drivers/modules

You need a USB stick with a minimum of 1GB capacity.

First download my attachment:

Then download Universal USB Installer

Plug USB pen drive in

Open Universal-USB-Installer-1.9.xx when downloaded, click

I agree.

Step 1 Select a linux distribution from drop down list,
from the dropdown list we want Ubuntu 10.04.X Desktop, tick Opted to Download the ISO and click YES

When the file has downloaded click browse and locate


Select your USB flash drive (Make sure it's the right
drive!), then make sure the format button is ticked.

Click create.

When this process is finished open your pendrive and copy the attatched driver file to it.

Reboot your computer, you may need to play with bios to
tell it to boot from USB or hit F12 on most computers to
bring up boot menu.

Make sure Wifi dongle is not plugged in yet!, otherwise
Ubuntu will load kernel modules for that device and we
don't want that.

Ubunutu will load, and hit enter when Ubuntu boot loader
comes up, dont't select any other options or install!.

You should see Ubuntu desktop, if you are using a laptop
with built in wifi, switch it off.

Navigate to top left side of screen and under Applications

launch terminal.

Now navigate to my driver file by typing the following
commands, hit enter after each one.

CD /
CD /cdrom

Once in that directory type:

sudo tar -jxvf ralink.tar.bz2 hit enter

Enter directory by typing cd /ralink hit enter

Next plug your usb stick in, and type in lsusb and hit


Look for your device and write down VID:PID Id's! this is important.

Now we need to check a file to see if your device is
supported by the driver, so type in:

sudo nano ./common/rtusb_dev_id.c

Then look for the line that says:
#ifdef RT5370

And see if any devices listed contain your VID:PID.
If not create a new line with your VID:PID

I.e {USB_DEVICE(0x1000,0x2000)},
change 1000 & 2000 to your VID:PID, or put your VID:PID in an existing one, don't worry about the manufacturers name next to it.

Once editited press ctrl O to write the file and ctrl X to exit

Now we need to check whether any modules are already loaded so enter this command in and hit enter:

lsmod | grep rt

See if any Ralink modules are listed, if you see RT28xx or RT53xx etc you need to unload them, hopefully none are listed but you can unload each one by typing sudo rmmod and each module name.

Now we are ready to compile the driver!, type the following and hit enter.

sudo make

This may take a few minutes but don't worry, let it complete.

Unplug your wifi dongle.

Once compiled load the module, so type:

sudo insmod os/linux/rt5370sta.ko

Plug the wifi dongle in

Next we need to bring the interface up by typing:

sudo ifconfig ra0 up (ignore any error msg)

To check it's working type:


If you get a list of ioctls you are doing well and following this correctly, if not go back and see what you have done wrong.

Now we are ready to enter new PID:VID values, in my example below we will use Ralink defaults for the 5370 for full compatability,

Type the following to change the VID

sudo iwpriv ra0 e2p 208=148F

And you should see:

ra0 e2p:0208=0x148F

Next the PID, so type:
sudo iwpriv ra0 e2p 20A=5370

And you should see

ra0 e2p:020A=5370

To check it's set the new VID:PID unplug the USB wifi stick, put it back in and type lsusb and hit enter. See if the values have changed .

If you make an error and accidentally set the wrong VID:PID do not worry, all you need to do is edit the file earlier in the tutorial and put the VID:PID that lsusb gives you and then type the following.

sudo make clean
sudo make

And follow all the steps again.

Also if you want to make a wifi dongle for a Samsung TV the
VID is 04E8
PID is 2018

If you do want to change it back from Samsung to original for some reason you will need to follow steps above to add this VID:PID to the config file before recompiling so it's recognised to allow you to change VID:PID again, also Ubuntu will try load 28xx/2870 modules so unload them with sudo rmmod with the module name


Alright yall, I just got my wireless usb device to work on ubuntu 10.10. I did alot of searching and I finally figured it out. this is what I did.

1.Download the linux drivers from this post, its called

2.Extract them to a directory.

3.Make sure you have build-essential installed on your computer. you can do this by opening a terminal
and typing
sudo apt-get install build-essential

4.Now install linux headers so that you can compile the drivers.

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

5.Now in your terminal goto where you extracted the Ralink_RT3572USB_drv2400 files.
once in that directory type

6.and then
sed -ir -e 's!^#endif // RT2870 //! {USB_DEVICE(0x13B1,0x002F)}, /* Linksys AE 1000 */\n#endif // RT2870 //!' ./common/rtusb_dev_id.c

7.Now then goto the directory where you extracted the Ralink_RT3572USB_drv2400 files and goto Ralink_RT3572USB_drv2400/include/os "NOTE your directory may be differnt!!!" just make sure your find the file called rt_linux.h and open it with a text editor.

8.Now that we have rt_linux.h opened goto line 1077 or search for string usb_buffer_alloc change this to usb_alloc_coherent

9.Now on line 1078 change usb_buffer_free to usb_free_coherent and and save that file.

10.Now you are ready to install the drivers. open your terminal and goto the directory where you extracted the drivers earlyer. and type

make && sudo make install

11. restart your computer and make sure that your adapter is plugged in.

These instructions are for xubuntu, and ubuntu 10.10 and newer. if you are using ubuntu 10.04 or older then do this process skipping step 7. and 8.
I'm using the ae1000 on a 550 mhz computer with 256 megs of ram using xbuntu. I have an up to date computer as well, this one was just for the a project.

sudo apt-get install wireless-tools


Ubuntu 10.4

sudo tar -jxvf ralink.tar.bz2

Andy � Mi Sep 14, 2011 5:05 pm
Ok, I managed to compile rt73 driver with e2p support.
I had to add these flags in Makefile:

I edited as specified in the wiki:

# Support ATE function

# Support Wpa_Supplicant

# Support Native WpaSupplicant for Network Manager

I then tried to change the EEprom values with:

iwpriv ra0 e2p 208=0x04E8
iwpriv ra0 e2p 20A=0x2018

but it was not writing anything. So I tried again 
without the hexadecimal prefix:

iwpriv ra0 e2p 208=04E8
iwpriv ra0 e2p 20A=2018

Bang! We get a Bus 001 Device 011: ID 04e8:2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd 
WIS09ABGN LinkStick Wireless LAN Adapter!


sudo rmmod rt5370sta
sudo insmod os/linux/rt5370sta.ko
sudo ifconfig ra0 up
sudo iwpriv ra0 e2p 208=148F
sudo iwpriv ra0 e2p 20A=5370

sudo rmmod rt5572sta
sudo insmod os/linux/rt5572sta.ko
sudo ifconfig ra0 up

sudo rmmod mt7601Usta
sudo insmod os/linux/mt7601Usta.ko
sudo ifconfig ra0 up


Attachments (159 downloads) (48 downloads) (66 downloads)
