Is it possible, guys? If so, how exactly, please?

MiniMultiBoot (or whatever it's called) is available for our STBs/images or not?

A guy has F800HD with Japhar SIM and is asking me how to best circumvent the flash limitation of 64MB...

I am against (Flash) Expander as there are various issues there that have not been resolved properly....

So, here are the options we have, from what I can see:

1) minimal flash installation, no big plugins...

2) post installation elimination of stuff one doesn't use, like:

opkg remove --force-depends --force-remove wpa* wireless-tools tzdata-africa tzdata-americas tzdata-asia tzdata-australia tzdata-pacific smbclient sambaserver samba rtl8192cu rt61-firmware packagegroup-base-ipv6 packagegroup-base-smbfs packagegroup-base-smbfs-client oe-alliance-wifi openssh-sftp-server kernel-module-r* kernel-module-usbserial kernel-module-zd1211rw enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-positionersetup enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-mphelp firmware-* enigma2-plugin-drivers* volatile-media rtmpdump kernel-module-mac80211 kernel-module-at* enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-blindscan enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch enigma2-plugin-extensions-cutlisteditor enigma2-plugin-extensions-dvdplayer enigma2-plugin-extensions-supportchannel enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-commoninterfaceassignment enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaplayer enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-cablescan dropbear libavahi* kernel-module-belkin-sa enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelesslan avahi-daemon azbox-blindscan-dvbs-utils domextender kernel-module-carl9170 kernel-module-pl2303 kernel-module-ftdi-sio packagegroup-base-wifi kernel-module-8192cu

This can, of course, be tailored to suit one's needs, leave some of those in or add some etc.

Could somebody check this set of commands, please? This is for OpenATV image in AZbug HD Premium, so one needs to modify it to suit one's needs, 'course... wink

3) use Expander function in PBNIGMA or Flash Expander plugin in other images

4) some multiboot plugin... IF this is at all possible...

What do we do with those old, limited machines, guys?

Thanx! smile
"Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking.Their is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." - Martin L. King