When you ordered your card, if you ordered thru http://www.japhar.com/japhar/, you should have received it already programmed for the DM box you ordered it for. We send the NC3 cards with the DUAL Japhar OS preprogrammed for the box selected.

For the DM8000HD, in the file with the OS you can download here http://www.japhar.com/japhar/download/Japhar-SuperSim_OS_06.02.2015.rar

There is 2 folders.

- The First one is for the Ferrari OSes (Only Ferrari images)

- The Second one is for the Japhar OSes (Dual Mode, will run all Ferrari and Japhar Images)

On the Ferrari or the Japhar Folder you have various OS, the difference is only the MAC Address, if you have more than one box at home you can this way program the sim card with a different MAC to have no network conflict.

The Sim card you received should be already ready to be used, but you can change the OS (for another DM Box model or to change the MAC) if you want naturally.
