Hi Guys,

I have been looking for a way to install the largely ralink driver for the 800sev2, and I couldn't make it work at all.

I have been using openpli-4.0-beta-dm800sev2-20160229-sim2-ssl88a.nfi and openpli-4.0-beta-dm800sev2-gst-20151002-sim2-ssl88a.nfi

And it isn't detected at all.

lsusb command:

RT5370 wifi
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 148f:5370

Please help me.

DM800HD with Japhar Sim NC3 for DM800HD - OpenPli 4.0
Sunray DM800HD se V2, Sim2.20 #88 - openpli-4.0-beta-dm800sev2-20150917-sim2-ssl88a.nfi