Thanks again for your help. When I followed this option my USB was reset each time I rebooted and stopped working correctly.

The solution that worked for me is to add the following to the /etc/initd rCS file just type these two lines at the very end of the file
mount /dev/sda1 /media/hdd
mkdir /media/hdd/movie

Then reboot your DM800HD. This is not all my own work but do not recall where I got this from!!!

The second issue is with crossepg when the Configure screen is shown the only option displayed is Red button = cancel and so settings were not being saved (in blackhole the red button is = back that also saves the settings) however the Green button is used in PLi to save and although it is not displayed pressing the GREEN button does actually save the settings.

All is now working great. Very impressed with Japhar Supersim and PLi4 image.

Thanks for your hard work.
Xtrend 8000, Dm800HD, DM500